Every Friday for thirty weeks, I will write about a topic from the list of the «30 Week Lindy Hop Challenge«.
This is…
Week #3: A description of your favorite partner (and why they’re your favorite)
Another one of these «favorite something» questions… argh 🙂
I love to social dance and sometimes you have these magical moments with a person. Everything matches, it's the perfect communication.
In these moments, that person is your absolute favorite partner and you wish it would never stop!
But the reality is different. Another time, when you dance with the same person, the dances may be still great, but the magic is gone.
Would you still call this person your favorite partner? Probably not anymore.
My dancing is changing all the time, and (hopefully) evolving. Also my mood at events is not always the same. Even my confidence about my dancing is alternating. Therefore, also my favorite partners are changing.
When I think about that last paragraph, then I think this applies manly to people I don't know very much.
Because there is another group of favorite partners: they are all more or less close friends to me. With them, it's not only about dancing levels and perfectly matching dances, it's also about the relationship I have with them and feeling comfortable to spend time with them!
<< Last Friday: #2 Your favorite place to dance
>> Next Friday: #4 Your favorite live band