The story goes like this: John Hammond, music critic and record producer, heard Count Basie one day on short wave radio and drove directly to Kansas City to hear the band live.
As a result, Hammond recorded with a quintett out of Count Basie's big band and with singer Jimmy Rushing four record sides in Chicago.
Because Count Basie already signed a contract with Decca but had not started to record with them, the four sides were recorded under the name Jones-Smith Incorporated.
«Jones» was the name of the drummer (Jo Jones) and Smith the name of the trumpeter (Carl Smith).
One of these songs was «Evenin›«. A bluesy swinging number paired with Jimmy Rushing's soulfoul voice. I love this song and play it quite often.
Personel: Jimmy Rushing voc, Carl Smith t, Lester Young ts, Count Basie p, Walter Page b, Jo Jones d.

Title: Evenin›
Artist: Jones-Smith Inc.
Recorded: 8.10.1936
Tempo: 164 bpm
Dance: Lindy Hop
You can find the songs of the series also on my Spotify playlist. Official hashtag of the series: #djcsotw
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