Every Friday for thirty weeks, I will write about a topic from the list of the «30 Week Lindy Hop Challenge«.
Let's jump into the second week.
Week #2: Your Favorite Place To Dance

Usually, I don't like it that much to choose a favorite something.
Especially in the swing scene, there are so many different and distinctive things going on, that it's really hard to decide on one.
But this one here is easy.
My favorite place to dance is
This place is unique.
This place is magic.
This is a place you have to have visited at least once in your swing dance career. Otherwise, you have missed something.
My first time at Herräng Dance Camp was in 2000 and I have been there many times since then. It changed a lot, it got bigger and more professional but it didn't loose its character.
Too bad, that I couldn't make it this year. But I will be back next year!
<< Last Friday: #1 What got you started in Lindy Hop
>> Next Friday: #3 A description of your favorite dance partner